Take a moment to consider all that has happened in your life. Perhaps you had a trying upbringing, have been emotionally or physically abused and unable to regain your confidence, or recently had a falling out of a significant relationship in your life.

Maybe you have walked through a world of hurt, have been abandoned by a parent or spouse, or feel like you are unable to build authentic relationships and want to begin rebuilding the relational aspect of your life but are unsure where to begin. Maybe you have lived feeling judged, overlooked, or misunderstood because people have not taken the time to get to know you on a personal level.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(360) 949-1242

Perhaps you grew up in church or never attended church and you are looking to begin or invest in your spiritual journey and want a personal and deeply rooted relationship with Jesus. You may be considering a career change, trying to figure out what your passion is in life and want to dive deeper into what sets your soul on fire and ignites the flames of your heart.

At Vancouver Christian Counseling, we want you to know that you are not on this journey of life alone. The professional Christian counselors in Vancouver, Washington are here help you begin your quest to building healthy relationships, addressing past hurts, and building a strong foundation for better tomorrows. The past does not have to define your future; but it can help mold and shape you into the passionate, compassionate God created you to be.

When you begin working with one of the faith-based counselors at Vancouver Christian Counseling, you will quickly see that we are cheering you on in every phase of life and want to see you live your best life – one that is emotionally, spiritually, and physically whole and heart-healthy. Let the doors of your heart open and accept the invitation on this thrilling new journey. Contact us today to begin your counseling experience with Vancouver Christian Counseling.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(360) 949-1242