Every marriage faces their fair share of highs and lows. Marriage is a unique journey where you expose parts of yourself that sometimes you did not know existed. Your marriage may go through seasons of personal or relational identity crisis, loneliness, poor communication, financial tension, or lack of intimacy. You may go through bouts of desiring appreciation, overstepping, or trying to figure out boundaries. Maybe your extended family is unsupportive of your marriage or you are struggling with the desire of infidelity or desiring a new path for your marriage.

No matter what you’re going through, the professional Christian marriage counselors at Vancouver Christian Counseling are here to help.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(360) 949-1242

It is a common misconception that your marriage must be falling apart before you consider marriage counseling.That’s not true! In fact, it’s far better to pursue Christian marriage counseling before it’s too late.

The goal of marriage counseling in Vancouver, Washington is to help your marriage thrive regardless of where you have been, and to focus on where you’d like to go. If you feel like your marriage is on the rocks or one partner has uttered the word “divorce,” know that you are not alone.You will not be judged based on where your relationship is right now.

Whether you have been married for one year or thirty years, Christian marriage counseling can be hugely beneficial for you and your spouse.

At Vancouver Christian Counseling, your marriage counselor will help you focus on your physical, emotional, and spiritual growth as a couple.

Faith-based marriage counseling in Vancouver, Washington is available from licensed Christian counselors who want the best for you and your marriage. They not only want to help you work through any current relationship ailments; they want to help you prepare for the future – to help you soak in the true beauty of what marriage can be.

Marriage is loving one another and growing together through the good times and the bad. It’s holding one another’s hand through unexpected medical diagnosis, job loss, and through the unknowns of life.

Strengthen your relationship by contacting us today to begin your marriage counseling journey with Vancouver Christian Counseling.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(360) 949-1242