
2001, 2021

4 Tools to Overcome Obstacles as a Broken Family

Being part of a broken family can look very different for each individual involved. Some are dealing with the sudden death of a parent, unfortunate divorce, unexpected diagnosis, or the aftermath of a major event like a house fire or bullying incident. Other families are silently suffering in less obvious ways -- like a child longing for their parent’s approval but never receiving it, unending [...]

801, 2021

Is It Winter Blues or Depression?

Are you feeling blue today? You may have a case of winter blues, or you might have depression. But how do you know the difference? Here are some guidelines to help you distinguish between the two, and how you can handle them with intention. What Are Winter Blues? Winter blues are feelings that come and go with situations. They are quite common at the end [...]

2212, 2020

Five Different Types of Depression

All too commonly the different types of depression get lumped together into one medium-sized word: Depression. However, there are many types of depression. This article seeks to clarify five types of depression and how counseling or lifestyle changes can help alleviate the all-encompassing depressions. Five Types of Depression These five types of depression are lack of purpose and meaning, physiological hypo-arousal, neurotransmitter deficiency, isolation, and [...]

1612, 2020

Self-Development: Growing Spiritually as a Person

Growth is a part of life. All living things need nourishment, and they use that nourishment to go through different stages of self-development until maturity. The same goes for us as humans. From when we are in our mother’s wombs, we need the nourishment our mothers provide, first through our umbilical cord, then via milk, and as we grow older we start eating solids, growing [...]

3011, 2020

How Bipolar Disorder Treatment Can Be Improved with Counseling

It feels hopeless. The depression is debilitating and the mania is all-encompassing. You have tried medications and they don’t seem to help. You are at a loss about what to do. This is where counseling can help as a method of Bipolar Disorder treatment. Although moderate-to-severe Bipolar Disorder generally requires medication prescribed by a psychiatrist, counseling can help teach the client coping strategies and regulation [...]

1611, 2020

What are the Signs of a Toxic Relationship?

If you've ever wondered, "What are the signs of a toxic relationship?" this article is for you. Our relationships have a huge role to play in our well-being and growth as people. Being surrounded by nurturing, compassionate, supportive networks of relationships, will help you to thrive and become the person God meant you to be. We need people around us that care about us, invest [...]

511, 2020

How to Regulate Emotions for Self-Improvement from a Christian Perspective

Looking to grow in areas of self-improvement from a Christian perspective? If so, this article is for you. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." – Jeremiah 29:11 The Bible tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We know that God knit [...]

2010, 2020

How Mindfulness Practices Can Improve Your Mental Health

Mindfulness is the practice of allowing your mind to quiet and focus on what is happening in the present. As thoughts, memories, and emotions come into awareness, we learn to acknowledge them and let them pass. We do not judge what comes into our awareness nor do we actively fight it either. We maintain a sense of openness, curiosity, and acceptance. Mindfulness means maintaining a [...]

2010, 2020

Hope and Help for the Single Parent Family

Parenting: most people who are parents would describe this job as one of the hardest jobs ever. It’s almost like marrying all over again – trying to take ideas from both parents, combining and compromising, then instilling the end result into another human with a mind and personality of his/her own. Certain things can make the job of parenting even more difficult; nuclear family [...]