A Christian Perspective On Anxiety: What to Do When You’re Feeling Anxious
Katie is a mother of two beautiful children, happily married, and with an enjoyable career. Her life seemed perfect. However, if you were to ask Katie, she would tell you she’s anxious. She doesn’t know when exactly the anxiety started. She remembers being an anxious child. Sometimes her anxiety gets the best of her, and she begins to worry aloud in front of her [...]
Symptoms of Depression in Men and What to Do About It
Did you know that while both men and women can experience depression their symptoms can be quite different? Instead of appearing sad, men may show their depression through symptoms of anger or aggression. This sometimes means that their friends, families, or even trained medical professionals are less likely to diagnose their symptoms accurately. To add to this, men are not as likely as women [...]
I’m a Christian and I’m Depressed
“I feel like I’m walking through mud.” Those are the words that came out of Kevin’s mouth every time he was honest about the way he was feeling. Kevin had been depressed for years, he had tried antidepressants, mindfulness training, prayer, talking with his pastor, and he’d even tried counseling. At the end of it all he still felt depressed. Kevin’s wife Katie was [...]
Anchored Amidst Loss: Bible Verses About Grief
Loss changes things irrevocably in your life. You may have gone through a divorce or lost a loved one suddenly. Your loss may be in the form of relinquishing a treasured dream, the death of a pet, or when you move house and must leave behind cherished memories and your entire network of friends and family. All of these things cause grief. While loss [...]
6 Tips for Surviving the Winter Blues
After the holiday season has passed and winter has settled in earnest you may notice a dip in your mood. You may experience winter blues, especially if you live in a climate that is cold and gray. The glitz of the holidays, as well as the intense busyness that accompanies them, can easily be a distraction from depression in the early parts of winter. [...]
Six Tips for Finding Help For Depression
Getting help for depression starts with a glance, then a look, then a small step, and then another. When you’re struggling to get up in the morning, feeling low energy and discouraged, it can be really hard to build up the will or enthusiasm or the motivation to ask for help. So, what should you do? Well, try to visualize help for depression in your [...]
Dealing with Stress Surrounding Positive Change
We tend to think stress goes hand in hand with times of struggle. It’s expected when a spouse has a chronic illness, a child’s grades are slipping, or there is financial strain. However, did you know that stress can also accompany positive change? Dealing with stress in times of growth or change is just as important as during negative circumstances. It’s easier to overlook [...]
Making Sense of Anger in the Bible
Some superheroes from comic books and movies have odd powers. some can shrink or grow their bodies at will, while others can manipulate the weather, and still others can heal even the most grievous of wounds. One fascinating hero is Dr. Bruce Banner, a mild-mannered scientist who was exposed to gamma radiation that now causes him to transform into the Hulk, a green monster [...]
24 Quotes on Married Life to Encourage You and Strengthen Your Marriage
A significant portion of the United States is married and adding the people across the world that are married now, and those that have been married across the ages, and you have yourself a deep pool of wisdom about marriage to draw from. There are many passages of Scripture that address husbands and wives, and that shape our understanding of marriage. This article is focused [...]
10 Bible Verses to Help You Cultivate Gratitude
Did you know that gratitude has been proven to lift your spirits? Study after study shows that people who practice daily gratitude have more joy and peace in their lives. You can have greater joy and peace too if you make a practice of showing God gratitude for the blessings in your life. How Gratitude Can Lift Your Spirits Gratitude can lift your spirits because [...]