
2701, 2025

What You Need to Know About Disenfranchised Grief

Everyone will experience the loss of a loved one. However, there are also times when people experience a different loss that others do not acknowledge as a loss. Whether or not others understand, losing someone or something important is real. The grief related to this type of loss is termed disenfranchised grief. When a person has been deprived of the right to grieve, they [...]

1301, 2025

Couples Counseling: When You Feel Unappreciated in Your Marriage

We all have expectations of others. For example, if we open a door for someone, we assume they will at least say thank you. Most of these expectations are pleasantries and dictated by our culture’s social norms. But when we start putting expectations on our romantic relationships that go beyond the confines of typical social niceties, it can become detrimental to those relationships and our [...]

1612, 2024

Take Every Thought Captive: Disrupting Anxious Thoughts

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck, repeating the same thoughts, and working through the same scenarios over and over in your mind? Sometimes our minds can feel like they’re running in place. You might be sitting in a meeting, trying to get some sleep, or at your child’s school play and find yourself caught in a cycle of negative, anxious thoughts. Anxiety can [...]

1112, 2024

Advice for Newlyweds: I Love You, But Stop Stealing My Fries

Now that you’re married, you’re supposed to become one flesh, a team, a unit – partners in everything, right? While that sounds beautiful in theory, effortless sharing in every aspect of your life isn’t a reality. When you first tie the knot, sharing a home, a bed, vacations, and decision-making sounds romantic. But if you’re like most couples, you’ve probably had a few moments [...]

2611, 2024

Being Highly Sensitive Without Being Highly Sensitive

Some individuals are born with a personality trait related to emotional sensitivity. This trait is known as highly sensitive, or sensory processing sensitivity. A highly sensitive person (HSP) has an increased awareness of the social stimuli around them. They tend to notice the voice changes, facial expressions, and body language of other people. A highly sensitive person (HSP) can also be stimulated by side [...]

1911, 2024

Signs of Low Self-Esteem in Your Marriage

Healthy relationships are places of safety and nurture. When you feel secure, loved, supported, seen, and heard, you will flourish. A marriage can be a place of safety, but it can also be an emotionally or physically inhospitable space. When two people get married, they bring their respective strengths and weaknesses into the relationship. Wherever the couple starts, there’s room for growth and overcoming [...]

2110, 2024

5 ADHD Coping Strategies

Having ADHD often means that we have to adapt our behavior and routines to fit in with our neurotypical families, jobs, or friends. This can be exhausting and make us feel ashamed, frustrated, or hopeless. Most of the time we gravitate towards certain tasks or actions because they help us feel more centered, even when we can’t fully understand why. It’s helpful to know [...]

1510, 2024

Couples Counseling: Finding Help for a Toxic Relationship

Romantic and other relationships exist on a spectrum that runs from healthy and functional, all the way to unhealthy and dysfunctional, or toxic. Each of us gets into relationships with a history that affects how we perceive ourselves and our partners and that history also shapes our expectations and fears about intimacy or communication. That means that in every relationship, there is always room [...]