
1306, 2024

Dating Advice for Men: What to Do When You’re Looking to Connect

When it comes to dating and relationships, there’s no shortage of dating advice for men out there. For every person looking to find help with forming romantic connections, there’s a blog article, tweet, YouTube guru, or “love expert” eager to chime in with a word or two. In one sense, this article is part of that flood of information, but it is hoped that [...]

2405, 2024

Six Ways to Improve Mental Health

Since 1949, the United States has observed Mental Health Awareness Month in May. This is a time to not only raise awareness and educate the broader public about mental health issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, and grief but also to create awareness of the everyday realities of doing life with these various concerns.It is important for everyone, not only for those with mental health [...]

2005, 2024

What to Do About a Toxic Friendship: Addressing Codependency in Friendships

We all want to have friends that are there for us through thick and thin. We want to know that, no matter what, our best friend will have our back. The truth is, sometimes our best friend is our worst relationship. Codependency in friendships can create a relationship that is toxic to both people. Knowing how to identify the characteristics of codependency will help [...]

705, 2024

Irreconcilable Differences: Finding Peace Within When Relationships Are Not Restored

“Break Up to Make Up” formed the title and theme of a well-known song released in a pivotal decade in modern history. The lyrics lament one couple’s experience of perpetual tension in their relationship. They couldn’t harmonize their efforts, despite the investment in their connection. Under the pressure, the relationship fractured, and a breakup ensued. Healthy reasons to leave outnumbered the rationale for staying. [...]

2803, 2024

Redeemed and Regulated: Learning to Embrace the Gift of Emotion

The gift of emotion is one of the most unique treasures that God has given. It colors and animates our lives, highlighting our unique personalities, experiences, and memories. Our emotions coexist alongside the mind, will, intellect, and affections in the human soul. While our soul becomes eternally new when we accept Christ, we continually transform each day and moment as we present ourselves back [...]

803, 2024

Overcoming Anxiety and Insecurity in Your Personal Development Journey

Most humans want to see fruitful outcomes in life. We are created like the Father to want what He wants, though we may express it differently. Despite this abiding desire, life presents boulders that can obstruct not only our view but also disrupt our progress toward the future we’ve envisioned. Personal development can help. Daunted and overwhelmed, we sometimes abandon the pursuit, clouded by [...]

503, 2024

Four Ways Botox May Change the Way You Relate to People 

Human beings have been striving to maintain a youthful appearance since the dawn of time. Ancient rituals can be traced back to the earliest civilizations. Just in the last twenty years, the beauty industry has made billions on tummy tucks, breast implants, and facelifts. Finally, the beauty industry has offered something that seems minimally invasive and Botulinum, also known as Botox, has become the [...]

602, 2024

Valentine’s Day and Romance: A Christian Perspective

February 14th is the day to celebrate romance for some. For others, it is often called Singleness Awareness Day. On Valentine's Day, the restaurants are full, red roses are in high demand and the price will reflect that fact. With all the hustle and bustle surrounding Valentine’s Day, do we ever slow down and take time to understand what romance is all about? Let’s [...]