
1209, 2024

First Year of Marriage Survival Kit: What to Pack for a Thriving Relationship

If you love to travel, you probably get a bit of an emotional boost just packing for your next adventure. Knowing your destination helps you choose what to bring along, from essential gear to personal comforts. Marriage, much like travel, is a thrilling journey you embark on with your closest companion. Unfortunately, while packing for a vacation involves physical items, preparing for the adventure of [...]

2608, 2024

Types of Assistance for Seniors

Getting older is inevitable, but it does not need to be overwhelming. A positive attitude and clear planning can go a long way in alleviating the stress of aging. Planning for social security and retirement is important for financial and mental health. It is not always fun, but good planning and taking advantage of assistance for seniors prevents frustration and worry in the long [...]

608, 2024

How Can I Tell If I’m In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship?

Do you ever wonder whether you are in an emotionally abusive relationship or if maybe you are the one with a problem? Does your relationship cause you to feel more drained than happy? Do you feel confused and have doubts about yourself and your understanding of things when you are around the other person? If so, you may be experiencing emotional abuse. Emotional abuse [...]

2307, 2024

Why Breathing for Anxiety is So Effective

When you are feeling a strong emotion such as anxiety, your breathing becomes fast and shallow, and your prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain responsible for rational thinking is compromised, making it hard to think straight or talk your way through it. Changing the rhythm of your breath slows your heart rate and engages your body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for [...]

2207, 2024

What to Do If Your Co-Parent Won’t Stick to a Parenting Plan

When parents decide to go their separate ways, it is common for both to make certain bold declarations, ignorant sweeping statements, and vague verbal parenting plan agreements for the upkeep of their child. Often, one parent has to bear the lion’s share of actual parenting while the other drops the ball. If the former has happened to you, don’t worry; you are certainly not [...]

1707, 2024

Children’s Mental Health: How to Navigate Life on the Spectrum as a Parent

No one plans for life to go topsy-turvy, but it can. No one plans to have a sick child, but it happens. No one prepares for the autism spectrum, but one in forty-four are diagnosed. As we navigate into tomorrow, it must be remembered that God has already been in our tomorrow, mapping out our path and meeting our needs. He must become our [...]

2006, 2024

How to Deal With Disillusionment

At the start of every new adventure, project, or relationship, we go through a season of excitement. We put our best efforts into this new thing; we are filled with optimism, hope, and faith. It might be getting into a new relationship, starting a new job, making a move, or joining a new community. We imagine what it will feel like once we have [...]