
2503, 2025

5 Ways Divorced Couples Can Navigate Step-parenting

Divorce weighs heavily on every person involved. This may not be well known to many people because divorce is more common now than at any other time in history. Both children and couples are deeply impacted by divorce. A divorced person who remarries has the extra burden of navigating being a stepparent. Step-parenting can come with its own set of challenges. Couples who don’t [...]

1803, 2025

4 Traits of Toxic Couples and Dealing with Toxic Behaviors

Often, couples are presented in television and movies as falling into two extremes – the couple that’s so beautiful together that it’s almost annoying and hard to be around them, and the couple you want to avoid because they are a whirlwind of chaos. In reality, it’s not always that easy to discern which couple is which if you don’t know them well. Some [...]

1103, 2025

Is It Possible for Kids to Develop Codependency? 

Do you sometimes wonder if your child is too clingy or whether this kind of behavior could turn into codependency in a child? It is easy to become blind to this concern as parents and caregivers because children are made to be dependent on us. As promoters of healthy relationships in all spheres of life, especially in the parent/caregiver-child relationship, we cannot deny that [...]

403, 2025

4 Traits of Toxic Couples and Dealing with Toxic Behaviors

Often, couples are presented in television and movies as falling into two extremes – the couple that’s so beautiful together that it’s almost annoying and hard to be around them, and the couple you want to avoid because they are a whirlwind of chaos. In reality, it’s not always that easy to discern which couple is which if you don’t know them well. Some [...]

303, 2025

ADHD and Contradictory Behavior

People who live with ADHD often act in unpredictable and contradictory ways. Contradictory behavior is a normal part of many disorders, but it can be frustrating to deal with, both for the ones with the disorder and those around them. It helps to understand why they are behaving in certain ways. It reduces anxiety to know that it is common behavior for neurodiverse people. [...]

2402, 2025

How to Stop an Anxiety Attack

Anxiety or panic attacks can come on suddenly and leave you feeling disconcerted. Their symptoms can mimic a heart attack, and many people experiencing it for the first time may believe they are having a heart attack or stroke. If you experience an anxiety attack for the first time, go to the doctor to rule out a physical condition. If it is due to [...]

1702, 2025

Making the Most of the Time: Fun Date Night Ideas in Vancouver, WA

It’s been said that if something is important to you, you’ll make time for it. However, it’s also true that we’re often driven by the urgency of “now.” Our lives are driven by the pressing needs of the moment. It’s not that we take what we care about for granted; it’s just that we may not be paying as much attention as we should.For [...]

1002, 2025

Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Teens

Social media is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. It has an upside and a downside and can affect the mental health of teenagers in both positive and negative ways. In this article, we'll consider some positive and negative effects of social media on teens. Positive Effects of Social Media on Teens On the plus side, it can help teens stay in touch with friends, [...]

302, 2025

Facing an Empty Nest: Marriage Advice for a Change In Seasons

When you’re married to someone for a while, it’s fair to say that the marriage you got into and the one you’re in now aren’t necessarily the same thing. That probably requires an explanation. A marriage is a living and breathing thing, and as you change, the marriage changes too. Sure, on paper you’re still married to the same person, but people grow and [...]

3001, 2025

PTSD and Relationships: How PTSD Can Affect the Health of Your Relationships

Relationships are both beautiful and complex. If you or a loved one has PTSD, it’s important to understand how the symptoms of PTSD affect not only your well-being, but your relationships as well. PTSD and Its Signs Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an acute anxiety disorder that can occur after someone experiences a traumatic event. These traumatic events may include (but are not limited to) [...]